• 0 Months+
  • 6 Months+
  • 9 Months+
  • 10 Months+
  • 12 Months+
  • 18 Months+
  • 2 Years+
  • 3 Years+
  • 4 Years+
  • 5 Years+
  • 6 Years+
  • 7 Years+
  • 8 Years+
  • 9 Years+
  • 10 Years+
  • Seniors
  • 12 MTHS
Educational Food and Activity Set
Discover Energy Balance: Educational Food and Activity Set

Engage in a fun learning experience about food energy and activity levels! Explore how much energy food provides and the energy expended during various activities. Use scales to understand energy balance and food quality. Includes 36 food cards, 12 activity cards, and 40 wooden counters.

• Children aged 4-10 years
• Seniors

• Promotes healthy eating habits
• Teaches about energy balance and food quality

Perfect for educational play at home or in classrooms. Order now to foster a better understanding of nutrition and energy needs through interactive learning!